Obviously, I have some book buying addiction issues.
I got a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble for Christmas. My husband got one as well. So we decided to visit our local store and see if there was anything we liked.
Now recently I’ve decided to only buy hardcover or trade size books. The type in mass market size is just getting too small for me. Anything I see in mass market size, I’ll just get as an epub ebook. [Kobo] So that narrows down my selections in a bookstore. And even before this decision I would sometimes walk into B&N and walk out without anything because I couldn’t find anything I liked. Or what I found wasn’t the first book in the series.
This is what I walked out with.
Yeah, obviously I need help. I already have a huge to-read pile. Granted In the Name of the Wind was signed (!) and the Salvatore is replacing some old mass market books I have. Also, I realize The Winter Witch is the 2nd book by that author, but I’m hoping I can read it independently.
And to um.. make this book buying addiction confession complete.
Powell’s recently had an online sale for 20% off and free shipping. So I bought a bunch of books off my wish list (used) and I’m waiting for those to arrive in the mail. In my defense, I’m trying to knock down the amount of books on my wish list. It’s become quite large because only my husband ever purchases something from it for me. And sadly that’s been the case for the past several years. So I’ve gotten to the point of breaking down and buying them for myself. So expect another blog posts when all of those books arrive.
Although I will say I’ve been doing weeding of my collection this weekend. And my intake between this and Powell’s will definitely be less than what I’m weeding out. So my library will shrink in size.
Meh. I’m a reader through and through.